Dekoboko Animation Cut 001: I Will Animate!!

Finally we have released something, and its a new series on top of that!!

Dekoboko Animation!!! Now as its name suggests, it has to do with the behind the scenes of the animation industry, with lots of informative tidbits and a beautiful heroine right off the bat! If you have nothing else to do, why not give its first chapter a go and see if you like it. 🙂

This is something that we have been working on as a joint with Sense Scans so kindly check them out for some of their other releases!

It is technically a weekly but there are so many pages on the first 3 chapters that we won’t be releasing it weekly just yet, probably after we settle down to the usual 20 pages a chapter we will begin to release it faster.

So for you guys who are wondering why we have yet to release our main series Addicted to Curry, Continue reading Dekoboko Animation Cut 001: I Will Animate!!